Model T-1 Bloodless Castrator Questions

1) My bands keep on breaking on the Model T-1 Bander.  Why is this?
2) The aluminum clip keeps on slipping out of its slot on the Model T-1, why is this?
3) How do I get the band to come off of the spreader bars on the Model T-1?
4) What is an easy way to load the Model T-1 Castrator?
5) After tightening, the shaft slides forward or does not stay in place.
6) The blade used to cut the band is no longer effective, is this replaceable?
7) When placing the clip into the Castrator, it doesn’t go in properly?

1) The aluminum clip keeps on slipping out of its slot on the Model T-1, why is this?
A) A possible reason for this is from wear and tear or the slot is slightly larger and doesn’t hold the clips in. In most cases the band will hold the clip in once the “T” handle is pulled back through the hole. If you are still having problems, move the crimping handle slightly up against the clip. This should hold the clip in place for Castrating.

2) My bands keep breaking on the Model T-2 Bander.  Why is this?
A) This may be a result of several factors. First check to see how old the latex rings are. If they are older than one season. B) If the bands haven’t been stored properly, being left in the sun or outside with varying temperature, this will deteriorate the latex and result in breakage. Signs of age are deodorization of the band and signs of cracking. Better to be safe and use a newer band then risk possible problems with and old band.
Every batch of latex bands vary slightly in thickness. In most cases you shouldn’t have to worry about stretching the band. But occasionally, if you are Castrating a larger Bull, then one batch of bands may vary from the other.
Other causes maybe from Castrating in cold weather, and the rings are cold, this may cause them to break. Be sure they are kept warm somehow, such as a heating pad or some other way.
Check to see if the operator utilizing the Castrator isn’t mistakenly hitting the handle used to cut the band on the Model T-1 Eze Bander. It may take awhile to learn not to hit this when first learning the Model T-1 Castrator.
Make sure, when installing the band, that it is stretched tightly between the two spreader bars on the Model T-1. G) Lastly, if you are Castrating a larger animal, the band may just be stretched as far as it will go and just break. Try not going back as far, maybe only 3/4 of the way back, crimp, then continue pulling the band as far back as possible, then cut. The band will continue to pull through the clip, even though it has been crimped. Then if the band breaks before it is cut, you’ve saved yourself the loss of a band and possibly a clip.

3) How do I get the band to come off of the spreader bars on the Model T-1?
A) Once you have the band in place, hold the scrotum forward while pulling the EZE back until the band comes off the spreader bars. Sometimes a quick pulling motion will allow the band to come off easier. Continue holding the scrotum until you move the EZE up against the scrotum. It should be as if you are holding the scrotum with the EZE. Don’t pull back on the scrotum at this point. Now continue to tighten.

4) What is an easy way to load the Model T-1 Castrator?
A) This is the method we use in our operation. Place the Castrator in your armpit and hold it. Make sure the shaft is all the way forward and you have already loaded the clip. Be sure to point the front of the Castrator upwards, as the clip may fall out. Place the ring, (band), on one of the spreader bars. While holding it with the thumb of the hand that the side of the Castrator is being held. Stretch the band over the opposite spreader bar with two fingers of the opposite hand.

Continue to hold the band with the two fingers. Place your remaining thumb over the the other spreader bar to hold the band in place. Now stretch the band with the first two fingers on both hands back into the hook on the shaft. It is a good idea to be sure the band is stretched tightly between the spreader bars. Doing this will prevent breaking the band if you are banding larger animals.

Now pull the shaft back through the clip. Stop once the end of the shaft is completely through the hole. You’re free to develop your own methods though. You may refer to our instruction sheet. UTILIZING THE EZE.

5) After tightening, the shaft slides forward or does not stay in place.
A) This is a result of the brake slipping. You can adjust this by loosening the lock nut on the 1/4″ screw, above and in front of the handle. Turn in one or two turns and tighten. Repeat this until the slipping stops.

6) The blade used to cut the band is no longer effective, is this replaceable?
A) Yes, it is replaceable. You may order these specialize blades from Outwest Mfg.

7) When placing the clip into the Castrator, it doesn’t go in properly?
A) Be sure the notch on the clip is facing upwards and outwards from the Castrator. Check to see if the clip is damaged or bent. Sometimes burrs develop in the slot the clips slide into. Take a knife and shave these burrs off or until the clip fits into the slot. Also, if you are using the “Original” EZE Castrator, the newer designed clips are round whereas on the original Castrator, the slot that holds the clip is oval. The newer clips will still work if you take a knife and shave the lower portion of the hole or simply bending the clips slightly to an oval shape. Sometimes, the clip may fit snug in the slot also. Just push on it a little and it should go in. You may also place the clip on your pinky finger of your hand and place in the slot. This also may help sometimes.