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Eze Model T-1 Band Castrator

The EZE Bander will castrate cattle from 250 lbs to 1,000+ lbs.

Also, will work with sheep, swine, goats and other large animals.

The opening will fit the size of a human fist.

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Castrator Combination Packages.

A variety of combinations to cover your whole operation.
All variations of combination packages, all Castration tools will come with 10 bands.

Tubing for the Original Model T

This tubing is designed for use with the Original Model T.
Tubing can be used for a variation of uses, not just for castration.

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EZE Clips - Model T-1 & Original

Clips can be used with the Model T-1 & the Original T-1 Bander.

Razor Cutting Blade - Model T-1

Cutting Blade/Razor replacement for the Model T-1 Band Castrator.
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